Upload - Season 1
The comedy series embodies the story of humans in the future where they can 'upload' themselves into their favorite choices for the afterlife. On this journey, Nathan meets his early death, as Nora receives him in his version of Heaven on this journey together. Someday, Nathan appears to be far from his beloved, and Nora struggles to survive this odd journey with Nathan in the afterlife.
19 June 1971, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
2 November 1967, Westchester, New York, USA
9 November 1962, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
2 February 1974, Delmar, New York, USA
April 30, 2020
Upload has a distinctly quirky, sometimes dark sense of humor.April 28, 2020
Upload is layered and engaging, and while it brings up some big ideas, it's consistently entertaining.April 28, 2020
Upload is all about a set of interesting, sometimes even compelling 'rules' that the show has to distort and break in order to surprise the viewer. It often succeeds.May 01, 2020
As easy as it is to compare Upload to a program such as The Good Place ... Greg Daniels' romantic-comedy-cum-mystery is more a commentary on capitalism, a topic it tackles as successfully as it does ineffectually.April 29, 2020
The series struggles with some identity issues, never settling on a distinct overall tone, but manages to still remain a short, mostly enjoyable binge watch.April 30, 2020
The intricately realized setting needs a story, however, at which point this fertile if familiar premise begins to suffer.April 30, 2020
"Upload" is more amusing than it is laugh-out-loud funny. But it's quick-witted, clever (an Arnold Palmer bot appears on a VR golf course in episode four) and twisty.April 30, 2020
"Upload" is very much its own thing, and a good thing at that.April 30, 2020
There's a lot of heavy stuff at play here, but it's all handled with a deft touch. Even when Upload gets serious, it's never more than a scene away from being funny as hell.April 30, 2020
It's probably not as good as The Good Place, but it's got plenty of laughs and ideas to make you think.April 30, 2020
Mainly, though, Upload is a wickedly funny, well-executed black comedy. Whenever it threatens to get deep and meaningful, another zinger of a gag comes along.April 30, 2020
The ideas are superficial, the performances are mostly bland, and the plotting is frustrating. Worst of all, it's just not that funny.