See - Season 1
A science fiction series that tells of the human race that lost sight at some point. Society must find new ways of interacting, hunting and surviving through vision. Things seem complicated but all of that is challenged when a group of twins are born with the eyes changing the course of things.
24 December 1977, Michigan, USA
12 February 1968, London, England, UK
November 01, 2019
The show is strange, but fails to justify that strangeness with a compelling story, characters, or literally anything other than the list of ideas you and your stoned cousin would come up with.November 01, 2019
It's the kind of show you might watch a couple of episodes of on a Sunday night, think "This is alright", and then forget about by midweek.November 01, 2019
See is ridiculous, which some people may think is a sign of an entertaining watch. But it's ridiculous, not well-acted, and pretty boring.November 01, 2019
Game of Thrones sure wasn't perfect, but watching See in its wake offers an important reminder: A big budget and Jason Momoa's grizzled looks do not an engrossing show make.November 01, 2019
A strikingly original world whose secrets are doled out in tantalizingly small bites over the course of its first three episodes.October 28, 2019
See sometimes feels like a concept and some characters were thrown on a whiteboard but no one figured out how to use them to tell an engaging story.November 01, 2019
The only reason you might care about Baba Voss, the character that Jason Momoa plays, is because he's being played by Jason Momoa.November 01, 2019
Cool idea. But the story doesn't gel well, and the video-game-like combat sequences can be exhausting.October 28, 2019
See takes itself seriously, but it takes the viewer seriously too, and that is how cult fandom begins.October 28, 2019
What unintentional comedy is this? Knight and Lawrence were presumably shooting for Westeros levels of transgressive cool.October 28, 2019
Francis Lawrence helps create a compelling, lengthy, and somewhat different melee.November 01, 2019
The world the series creates is a fascinating thought experiment about how a society built by a blind population would function. Unfortunately, the story hasn't caught up to the ambition of the production design in the first few episodes.