Rake - Season 5
This television series drama follows the life story of a young lawyer, Cleaver Green, who inspired by the acumen he has, he defends the criminals and murderers, who should not be defended, as he uses his intelligence in defending them, such as his defense on the criminal and murderer, Professor Graham.
5 August 1957, Camperdown, New South Wales, Australia
1951, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
1981 in Creswick, Victoria, Australia
16 October 1982, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
1945, Australia
1 February 1942, Victoria, Australia
October 29, 1974 in Penrith, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
1961, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
6 January 1967, Columbus, Ohio, USA
26 December 1970, Auckland, New Zealand