Eureka - Season 5
Season 5 opens with the Astraeus crew returning to Earth to discover that they have been missing for four years and, in their absence, Eureka has moved on without them. They quickly learn leadership has changed, procedures have changed and relationships have changed while they were gone and none of it for the good.
27 October 1975, Montréal, Québec, Canada
9 October 1986, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
29 October 1967, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
20 December 1985, Zagreb, Yugoslavia [now Croatia]
9 November 1962, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
20 June 1960, Scotland, UK
5 October 1997, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
6 August 1974, Los Angeles, California, USA
23 May 1984, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
23 October 1970, Los Angeles, California, USA
December 06, 2011
The actors absolutely nail some of their toughest performance challenges.