Breaking Bad - Season 1
The first season of the American television drama series follows the story of a promising chemistry genius who got news that he has cancer. Bad news turn it bad for him.
9 December 1983, Redondo Beach, California, USA
31 January 1947, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
1948, North Carolina, USA
18 April 1976, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
4 January 1949, Phillips, Texas, USA
8 November 1971, Miami, Florida, USA
14 July 1938
15 February 1963, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
5 April 1955, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
20 December 1969, Gardena, California, USA
5 June 1951, Hamilton, Texas, USA
14 March 1952, USA
January 20, 2008
Grisly and wacky, suspenseful and sorrowful, this darkly compelling cautionary fable of very abnormal chemistry is infused with a Coen Brothers-like flavor of macabre humor.January 15, 2014
A TV series must dole out morsels of character motivation often enough to keep viewers tuning in, and I'm not convinced Breaking Bad does.January 15, 2014
Cranston is always fun to watch and "Bad" is no exception. What's more, a strong supporting cast suggests there is a lot of room for this series to grow.January 20, 2008
Cranston's performance alone is enough to keep me watching for a while, but I'd like to see something resembling a completed formula, and soon.January 20, 2008
Breaking Bad turns unnecessarily nauseating by the beginning of the third episode, turning off anyone who isn't completely in by that point.January 20, 2008
The show tries too hard to be socially relevant, with Walt representing a desperate middle class attempt to gain footing.January 20, 2008
Occasionally, something will pop up to remind us of just how good television can be when smart writers come up with an intriguing concept and execute it well.January 20, 2008
Breaking Bad explores an anxious slice of contemporary life, at just the moment its restrained protagonist cuts loose into unchained mania.January 20, 2008
Breaking Bad falls around the middle of the pack in the new wave of cable dramas. But it's got a solid cast and a good upside.January 20, 2008
Its achievement rarely matches its ambitions, but the effect is still pretty dope.