Bosch - Season 1
The series follows a relentless Los Angeles homicide detective as he pursues the killer of a 13-year-old boy while standing trial in federal court for the murder of a serial killer.
5 February 1973, Sterling, Virginia, USA
26 May 1980, Alameda County, California, USA
30 November 1956, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
8 March 1959, Tobago
16 February 1972, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
18 June 1981, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico
1 July 1977, Grand Junction, Colorado, USA
February 16, 2015
Bosch is by no means a revolutionary show like Amazon's Transparent, but it offers smarter than usual cop drama fare, and it's certainly better than any cop show currently on a broadcast network.February 23, 2015
Though it opens on a dark and stormy night Bosch is anything but clichéd. This classic hardboiled police drama is an engrossing 10-part series.February 11, 2015
Strongly acted, stylishly shot and promisingly structured, Bosch is a rare breed of detective drama - one that isn't hindered by genre tropes but instead employs them so effectively that they once again feel fresh and exciting.February 12, 2015
Bosch ... lies somewhat off the beaten TV path, but in a thrilling way.February 17, 2015
The best thing about Bosch is that it gives a starring role to Titus Welliver, a development that is long overdue.March 11, 2015
It's hardly the most original idea, but who says it needs to be? It's solid, compelling, and slick.February 12, 2015
Bosch may not be reinventing the wheel, but it's a sturdy ride.February 10, 2015
It's solid procedural stuff with a nice shadowy long-term arc.February 12, 2015
There must have been something in the books that got lost in adaptation. Never having read them, we can't say that Bosch was botched, but it could have been better.February 25, 2015
Welliver bites off a lot that he definitely can chew in Bosch. Finally he's the top-of-the-marquee star. It's hoped that Amazon Prime will keep it that way with at least several more seasons to come.