Ballers - Season 4
This series takes after a gathering of football players and their families, companions, and handlers. In the new season, the fourth, we see the division impacts severely on every single one of them, Ricky feels that he is lost in Los Angeles, Charles begins his new work with a gathering of disappointed representatives. They attempt to settle the relations among themselves.
26 February 1979, San Juan, Puerto Rico
2 June 1986, Akron, Ohio, USA
30 September 1976, Nassau, Bahamas
22 July 1983, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
3 May 1975, Orange, New Jersey, USA
August 24, 2018
Dwayne Johnson again proves he has the presence to carry a show. But when it's all about business, the question inevitably rises if there's anything more.August 13, 2018
After three seasons and a handful of episodes of the upcoming fourth, it's time to accept the fact that Dwayne Johnson's "Ballers" will never be more than a dopey, mildly distracting bit of escapism.