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That Sinking Feeling
Four bored teenagers, including Ronnie, Wal, Andy, and Vic, come up with an idea to steal stainless steel sinks and sell them for money. But life is not that easy and the four is going to have more than then bargained for.
7 May 1939
1 December 1962, Montréal, Québec, Canada
15 November 1928, Plainfield, New Jersey, USA
4 February 1962, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
23 August 1934, England, UK
August 02, 2015
Its too frequent lapses into nudgingly facetious whimsy... tend to swamp the more delicate trouvailles.August 19, 2004
A breezy escape with just the right dash of whimsy.November 23, 2012
A witty, gentle, breezy, low-brow, low-key comedy ... .