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In Paris, a group of four young thieves flees with robbed money. After being spited up, Tom and Farid want to take a rest nearly boundary and they meet up 2 girls who offer free rooms and meals. They get into troubles when they discover that girls are cannibals of Nazi family
7 May 1982
30 May 1975, Saint-Maurice, Val-de-Marne, France
24 September 1980, Luc-sur-Mer, Calvados, France
20 May 1967, Saint-Etienne, Loire, France
5 August 1981, Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes, France
16 June 1986, Paris, France
11 May 1965, Rouen, France
21 October 1925, Clamart, France
2 November 1965, Avranches, Manche, France
May 11, 2008
Hardly a trailblazer.May 07, 2008
Perhaps it's because I see so many by-the-numbers horror movies but when a director is willing to go as far off the rails as Gens tries to go in Frontier(s), it goes a long way with me.May 07, 2008
has neither the weight nor the ingenuity to make a solid impression past its unorthodox dispatching techniques.May 16, 2008
Frontier(s) still finds a way to mine the past while staying rooted in the present. It may seem recognizable, but it's a well made and effective awarenessMay 09, 2008
Though neither subtle nor particularly original, Gens' spin on the meat-movie classic has both nightmarish energy to spare.September 19, 2007
Can a movie be an adrenalin-fueled, blood-gushing thrill ride and still be as boring as dirt? Apparently.May 12, 2008
Nasty, brutish but--pace Thomas Hobbes--insufficiently short gorefest...nothing more than an exercise in sadism.May 09, 2008
The real surprise of Frontier(s) is that this creepy, bloody contemporary gross-out also has some ideas, visual and otherwise, wedged among its sanguineous drips.June 17, 2008
Despite all its primal brutality, Frontier(s) is a deep, intelligent and very political movie.May 22, 2008
As a political allegory, it has no substance. As a genre piece, it is derivative, but it takes from the best and brings it together reasonably well.May 08, 2008
It's as relentless as it is hateful, hammily directed and derivative of the dreariest slop in contemporary American horror cinema.May 08, 2008
A relentlessly ugly and derivative reworking of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.