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A Walk in the Woods
The movie follows the journey of celebrated travel writer, Bill Bryson, while he challenges himself to hike the Appalachian Trail - 2,200 miles of America's most unspoiled, spectacular and rugged countryside from Georgia to Maine with one of his oldest friends.
17 April 1981, Shawnee Mission, Kansas, USA
8 February 1953, Newport, Arkansas, USA
2 August 1940, Colorado, USA
6 May 1954, USA
April 04, 2016
A sitcom about old men creaking along the Appalachian Trail, reminiscing about slutty girls, and maybe having a stroke at any moment. You know, for fun.June 12, 2016
Darned if the film didn't ultimately work for me. Mostly, it was the fun of seeing these two veteran actors riff off each other.March 06, 2016
Bear jokes, poop jokes, bear poop jokes--this movie's got it all.September 03, 2015
While older audiences will go for it, even viewers who haven't acquired the wisdom of age can learn something.May 04, 2016
Inoffensive, unremarkable and mostly just a bit naff, this adaptation of Bill Bryson's memoir of walking the Appalachian Trail is about as good as it could possibly have hoped to be, which is to say not very good at all.September 17, 2015
A pleasant-enough account of two shambling old geezers taking on the grandeur of nature.September 03, 2015
Too much of the breezy humor that made the book a delight is stripped away, replaced with predictable jokes and broad slapstick, sitcom-quality encounters with women and bears and a pushy, grating sentimentality.September 03, 2015
A waste of stars, scenery, and setup.September 04, 2015
A Walk in the Woods is pleasant but inconsequential, a passing diversion rather than a worthy cinematic destination.September 04, 2015
Decides to go for - nay, strain for - antics. You can hear the brainstorming: What can we have happen to them?